- Submission deadline: Extended to January 31st, 2023
January 21st, 2023 - Notification of acceptance: March 17th, 2023
- Camera-ready copy due: April 10th, 2023
ICHI 2023 serves as a venue for the discussion of innovative technologies and implementation science, highlighting end-to-end applications, systems, and technologies, even if available only in prototype form. We strongly encourage authors to submit their original contributions describing their algorithmic, methodological or empirical contributions, and theories relevant to the broader context of health informatics. Submissions can focus on one or more specific aspects of theory, design, development, evaluation, or deployment.
Analytics Track
In the Analytics track, we invite submission on novel methods for exploring and analyzing healthcare data such as biomedical pattern recognition, biomarker discovery, disease profiling and personalized treatment, natural language processing and text mining, recommender systems, clinical phenotyping, visual analytics, explainability, and epidemiological modeling. Submissions may also report studies on data quality assurance, data cleaning, pre-processing, and ensuring quality and integrity of healthcare data. As large amounts of data become available in healthcare, we anticipate research submissions that address big data related topics (e.g. distribution and parallelization of data analytics in healthcare, large scale textual and graph data analytics, optimization of data analytics techniques, and novel statistical approaches to big data analytics in healthcare). Additionally, we encourage submission on privacy and security in sharing healthcare data as well as evaluation and validation of methods in healthcare data analytics.
Human Factors Track
Contributions in the realm of Human Factors might include empirical studies of health-related information use and needs, socio-technical studies on the implementation and use of health information technology, studies on health informatics in the context of community impact and implications, descriptions of innovative user-centered design solutions, and studies of public policy on leveraging health informatics infrastructures. Submissions might report studies of user requirements, user-centered designs, or evaluations for use by professionals or members of the public, in hospitals, other care environments, or in the community (e.g. people’s homes). A broad range of interactive health technologies are of interest, including the human factors of information technology for healthcare delivery and management; interactive visualizations of health data; user interactions with decision-support systems; human factors for electronic health records and other types of clinical applications; interaction design for wearable and ubiquitous health technologies; and the interaction design of novel multimodal health devices.
Systems Track
The Systems track welcomes submissions related to the design, development, deployment, and evaluation of high-performing privacy-preserving and secure software or hardware systems. The goals of these systems can be for improving healthcare efficiency, data quality, patient safety, infrastructure sustainability, care continuity, and cost containment outcomes. The Systems track also welcomes submissions on studies of consumer-facing applications that educate, engage, and empower patients or the general public to promote health and wellbeing; public health and population health informatics applications that monitor and control disease epidemic and address health issues at the population level; global health informatics research that focuses on disseminating innovations to developing economies; and research informatics innovations that enable or facilitate the conduct of basic science and clinical and translational research, especially in patient care settings towards learning health systems. Studies involving rigorous evaluation components are particularly encouraged, as well as studies describing innovative designs to address deficiencies or known unintended adverse consequences, such as disrupted workflow, diminished efficiency, decreased documentation quality, and escalated patient safety risks.
Short papers (6 pages, up to 1 page extra with no extra charge) will describe innovative ideas, where preliminary implementation and validation work have been conducted.
The submission site is EasyChair.
Paper submissions must adhere to the IEEE Proceedings Format .
For publication opportunities as posters, demos, or in the industry track, for workshops, tutorials, and the doctoral consortium see the respective other calls.
ICHI uses a single-blind two-layer peer reviewing process. The final decision will be made by the program chair of each track based on at least three reviews by program committee members and one metareview by senior program committee members.
Presentation and Publication
All submissions will be published in IEEE Xplore and indexed in other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases. Accepted papers have an oral presentation slot at the conference. Selected papers will be invited to submit the extended version to the Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research and a fast track review will be conducted for the extended papers.
For camera-ready submission, please follow the instruction in the notification email:
Full Paper - 10 pages allowed (up to 2 pages extra with no extra charge)
Short Paper - 6 pages allowed (up to 1 page extra with no extra charge)
Please make sure you are submitting to the right submission category based on the notification. If your submission is a full paper with accepted as short presentation, please choose full paper as your submission category. If your submission is not accepted as paper but invited as poster, please follow the instruction of Poster Abstract.
Program Committee Co-Chairs
Analytics Track

Ashok Veeraraghavan, PhD
Rice University, Houston, TX, USA

Rui Zhang, PhD
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA
Human Factors Track

Gerrit Meixner, PhD
Heilbronn University, Heilbronn, Germany
Systems Track

Li Zhou, MD, PhD
Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
We cordially invite you to submit your contribution to the 11th IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI 2023) that will take place June 26th-29th, 2023 in Houston, TX, USA.
ICHI 2023 is a premier community forum concerned with the application of computer science, information science, data science, and informatics principles, as well as information technology, and communication science and technology to address problems and support research in healthcare, medicine, life science, public health, and everyday wellness. The conference highlights the most novel technical contributions to stakeholder-centered technology innovation for benefiting human health and the related social and ethical implications. ICHI 2023 will feature keynotes, a multi-track technical program including papers, posters, panels, workshops, tutorials, an industrial track, and a doctoral consortium.