- Submission deadline: Extended to January 31st, 2023
January 21st, 2023 - Notification of acceptance: March 7th, 2023
- Camera-ready copy due: April 10th, 2023
Posters and Demos
Posters and demos are an excellent way to present innovative ideas, late-breaking work, concepts, work-in-progress, early stages of research, and preliminary results from implementation and validations to academic and industrial audience. The submissions should fit the theme and main topics of the conference – analytics, human factors, and system. However, it is not necessary to select a specific track for the submission.
Poster and demo submissions should be 1-2 pages (excluding references) in the same format as full and short papers (see Call for Papers for detailed instructions). Demo submissions may have an additional appendix page, describing and possibly showing images of the demo to be presented at ICHI.
This additional page is only for use in review; it does not need to conform to any formatting requirements and must be excluded from the camera-ready submission.
The review process will be single-blinded. Submissions must contain the names and affiliations of authors listed on the paper.
The submission site is EasyChair, choosing the Poster and Demo track.
Presentation and Publication
Accepted poster and demo abstracts will be published in IEEE Xplore and indexed in other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases.
Posters and demos will be presented in a dedicated, exclusive session during the main conference. The conference organizers will work on ensuring that poster and demo sessions are well attended and have a vibrant discussion environment.
For camera-ready submission, please follow the instruction in the notification email:
Poster/Demo Abstract - 2 pages allowed (up to 1 page extra with no extra charge)
Please make sure you are submitting to the right submission category based on the notification.
Poster and Demonstration Chair

Mei Liu, PhD
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
We cordially invite you to submit your contribution to the 11th IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI 2023) that will take place June 26th-29th, 2023 in Houston, TX, USA.
ICHI 2023 is a premier community forum concerned with the application of computer science, information science, data science, and informatics principles, as well as information technology, and communication science and technology to address problems and support research in healthcare, medicine, life science, public health, and everyday wellness. The conference highlights the most novel technical contributions to stakeholder-centered technology innovation for benefiting human health and the related social and ethical implications. ICHI 2023 will feature keynotes, a multi-track technical program including papers, posters, panels, workshops, tutorials, an industrial track, and a doctoral consortium.